Scholarship Application
Welcome! This scholarship is open to all graduating Michigan high school seniors who have been accepted to a two year college/university, four year college/university, or trade school.

Guidelines for Scholarship Selection
Applicants must be a high school senior enrolling in a two-year college or four-year college or university or vocational/trade school in the fall of 2024.
Applicants must have an overall/cumulative grade point average of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Applicants must participate in community service, campus leadership and/or extracurricular activities.
Your application packet must include:
A completed scholarship application.
An official copy of your high school transcript.
An acceptance letter from an accredited 2-year college or 4-year college or university or vocational/trade school.
One recommendation letter from a current or former high school teacher, counselor, or an administrator.
One recommendation letter from a community member (coach, church member, supervisor, mentor, community leader, etc.)
A minimum 500-word essay typed and double-spaced, 12” Font, Times New Roman. Please select only ONE of the three choices below to write your essay:
Pick an experience from your own life and explain how it has influenced your development.
Describe how you have demonstrated leadership in your school, work and/or community.
If you had the authority to change your community in a positive way, what specific changes would you make? Why?
Next Steps:
Upsilon Psi Zeta Graduate chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated will host an in-person scholarship celebration. All recipients will be acknowledged at the ceremony. Additional details will be provided later.
Scholarship awards are to be used for educational purposes only. Scholarship awards will be disbursed to the college, university or trade/vocational school once verification is provided of the awardee’s enrollment. Please email: name of the institution, school identification number, contact person/ department and mailing address for scholarship check disbursement by July 1, 2024
Scholarship application packet MUST be submitted via
Upsilon Psi Zeta’s online website at: www.oakparkzetas.com/scholarships.
Reasonable accommodations will be made if an electronic submission
is not feasible.
For questions: UPZScholarship@gmail.com